


Kira Morachevskaya

Personal information

Date of birth: 10.06.1986

Place of birth: Leningrad (USSR)


[December 2013] PhD in Geography (topic of the PhD thesis – “Frontier and peripherality as factors of development of border regions with Belarus in Russia”)

[2009 – 2013] Moscow State University, Faculty of geography, Department of economic and social geography of Russia, post-graduate student

[2007 – 2009] Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of geography and geoecology, Department of regional policy and political geography (Master degree, diploma with distinction)

[2003 – 2007] Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of geography and geoecology, Department of regional policy and political geography (bachelor's degree, diploma with distinction)

Additional education

International Course of the Baltic University Programme «Sustainable Community Development», 2009

Summer school of the Representation of the EU in Russia «Regional Dimension of the EU-Russia Cooperation» (Petrozavodsk), 2007

Course «Visual methods in science and education», 2007

International course of the Baltic University Programme «Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region» (Poznan, Poland), 2007

Winter school of the Center of international and regional policy «Borders and boundaries: global and regional trends» (V.Novgorod), 2006

International Course of the Baltic University Programme «The Baltic Sea Region: Culture, Politics, Societies», 2006

International Course of the Baltic University Programme «A Sustainable Baltic Region», 2005

International Course of the Baltic University Programme «The Baltic Sea Environment», 2004


SPbSU “Lectures and tutorials in English”, September 2014-January 2015

CRDF Global/Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science Professional Skills Training, January 2014

Institute for spatial planning «ENKO», the trainee of sector of economy, July 2007

Short-term educational training at EMA University of Greifswald (Germany), June 2007


Winner of the the Baltic University Programme (BUP) award for the best PhD thesis, 2014

Working experience

[2008 – till present] Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of regional policy and political geography

Researcher, Senior Lecturer

Sphere of duties:

1. Giving lectures «Regional diagnostics», «Regional policy of the foreign countries»

2. Managing of educational practice for 2nd-year-students, consultations on term papers of students

3. Organization and carrying out of the department’s seminars

4. Organization and holding conferences

5. Research work

Computer skills

MS Office, MapInfo, Coral Draw, Internet, etc.

Foreign languages

English, German

Main publications

1. Morachevskaya K., Zinovyev A. Frontier and peripherality as factors of socio-economic development of Russian-Belorussian border regions // Proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association “Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy”, 27-31 August 2013 – Palermo, Italy, 2013.

2. Morachevskaya K. Frontier and peripherality as factors of socio-economical development of border districts of Russia with Belarus // Regional researches. 2010, №4. – P. 61-69.

3. Morachevskaya K. Research experience of the Russian-Belarusian border area in the 1990-2000-ies. // Russian-Belarusian borderland: twenty years of change / Ed. A. Katrovsky and Y. Kovalev. - Smolensk: “The Universe”, 2012. - P. 38-45.

4. Morachevskaya K. Border and peripherality as factors of regional development // Russian-Belarusian borderland: twenty years of change / Ed. A. Katrovsky and Y. Kovalev. - Smolensk: “The Universe”, 2012. – P. 67-79.

5. Morachevskaya K. The methodology of studying of transboundary territorial socioeconomic systems // Socioeconomic geography: history, theory, methods, practice. Smolensk, 2011. – P. 369-372.

6. Morachevskaya K. Linear-nodal structures of Russian-Belorussian transborder regions // Socioeconomic geography-2011: theory and practice, 2011. — P. 260-262.

Grants and main projects

RFBR № 13-06-00675 “Methodology of economic-geographical study of local scientific communities as actors of innovation development in Russia”2013-2014, collective research

Participation in the project “The new models of single-industry towns’ development in Russia” (company “Basic Element”), 2013-2014

SPbSU grant: “The development of innovative educational program for Master degree in a new direction VPO "Regional studies of Russia" Program Priority Areas of St. Petersburg State University 2020” (2011), collective research

RFH № 10-02-00711 а/B “Border and peripheral factors of socio-economic development of regions of Russia and Belarus”, 2010-2011, collective research

RFH № 10-02-00688 а(m) “Transformation of the territorial structure of the economy and settlement system of the Russian-Belorussian border regions in the post-Soviet period”, 2010-2012, collective research

RFH № 09-02-00637 е/B “Comparative assessment of the impact of cross-border socio-economic development of regions of Russia and Belarus”, 2009, collective research

Participation in the project “Regional development potential of Ida-Viru within the border and transnational cooperation programs of the European Union", February 2007