


For applicants of the main educational

Russian-German Master Program

«CORELIS - Cold Region Environmental Landscapes Integrated Sciences»

of an educational program 05.04.06«Ecology and natural management»




Geosystem Theory

Different models on the Earth Sciences. Definitions: system, geosystem, and model. Geosystem structure. Natural and energy systems. Stability and feedback. Definition of ecosystem and geosystem. Goals, methods and objects in the ecological and geoecological studies.

Maps and GIS

Map types in the Earth Sciences. Geographical information systems (GIS), geoinformation mapping, using of GIS for scientific studies.


Atmosphere structure. Stratification of atmosphere. Atmosphere pressure. Atmospheric circulation. Greenhouse effect. Climate change mechanism in past and present. Chemical content of atmosphere, green gases. Radiation balance.


Hydrological regime of land water objects. Surface and ground runoff. Lakes, swamps (wetlands and peatlands), glacier, aufies specific. Feeding types of water objects. Physical and chemical characteristics of fresh and marine water. Marine currents. Tidal flow and ebb, and surges onset and set-down.


Genesis and definition of live. Natural selection and evolution. Ecological niche conception. Definitions of ecosystem and biogeocenosis. Trophic chine in terrestrial and water ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles. Ecological successions. Eutrophication.


Geological time. Minerals. Vulcanic rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks. Earth structure. The Earth’s crust. Folding and faults of Earth’s crust. Mountain formation. Plate tectonic. Endogenic and exogenic processes. Earth’s quakes. Vulсanism. Earh surface development and landforms. Weathering.


Soil covering. Soil forming and structure. Soil content. Soil classification. Biogeochemical characteristics of soil.

Basic on rational nature management

Ecological science and the place of natural management. Traditional and alternative energy sources. Economical and natural systems interaction. Economic-natural systems and their functioning. Quantitative and qualitative anthropogenic change of ecosystems. Anthropogenic impact on atmosphere and hydrosphere. Parameters of technogenic processes effect on ecosystems. Classification and normalization of anthropogenic impact on environmental components. Water purification methods. Monitoring, its function in harmonious exploitation, monitoring classifications. Land resources protection and land recultivation.

Particularities of Polar Regions environment development

Particularities of Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine processes. Polar Regions environment response on current climate change and connected ecological problems. Economic and social consequences of current climate change in Polar Regions. Arctic natural resources.Antarctic natural resources. Rational using of Polar Regions natural recourses.Economic and social consequences of natural resources mining and using in Polar Regions. Arctic population. Indigenous Arctic population.


Permafrost: distribution and development. Climate change impact on terrestrial and submarine permafrost. Marine and terrestrial glaciers. Icing particularities in fresh and marine water. Ice covering characteristics of World Ocean. Arctic ice cover and its change during last decade. Cryogenic processes: cryosolic heaving, solifluction. Cryosolic poligons and syngeneic ice wedges. Cryogenic processes effect on economic activity.




Books and articles

  1. ACIA, Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

  2. Bohn, T. J., Melton, J. R., Ito, A., Kleinen, T., Spahni, R., Stocker, B., Zhang, B., Zhu, X., Schroeder, R., Glagolev, M. V., Maksyutov, S., Brovkin, V., Chen, G., Denisov, S. N., Eliseev, A. V., Gallego-Sala, A., McDonald, K. C., Rawlins, M., Riley, W. J., Subin, Z. M., Tian, H., Zhuang, Q., & Kaplan, J. O. (2015). WETCHIMP-WSL: intercomparison of wetland methane emissions models over West Siberia. Biogeosciences, 12, 3321-3349. doi:10.5194/bg-12-3321-2015 [Fulltext] [Fulltext]

  3. Buchan, G. D. (1991). Soil temperature regime. In: Soil Analysis: Physical Methods. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.

  4. E.V. Abakumov, “The sources and composition of humus in some soils of West Antarctica” , Eur. Soil. Sci. 43, pp. 449-508, 2010

  5. Johannson, C. 1989. Fluxes of NOx above soil and vegetation. In: Andreae, M.O. and D.S. Schimel (eds). Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere. Wiley and Sons. New York. 346 p.

  6. Kimble J. Cryosols. Permafrost Affected Soils. 2004.

  7. Lal, R. (ed.) (2006): Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Taylor & Francis, New York

  8. Oke, T. R. (1996): Boundary layer climates. Routledge, London.

  9. Pidwirny, M. (2006). Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition. Date Viewed.

  10. Pienitz, R., Douglas, M.S.V. and Smol, J.P. [Editors]. 2004. Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes. Springer, Dordecht, 562 pp.

  11. Polar lakes and rivers. Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems. Edited by Warwick F. Vincent and Johanna Laybourn-Parry. Oxford University Press. New York. 2008. – 327 p.

  12. Przybylak R., 2003: The Climate of the Arctic. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 270 p.

  13. Siberian river run-off in the Kara Sea. Characterisation, quantification, variability and environmental significance / Ed. Ruediger Stein, Kirsten Fahl, Dieter K. Fuetterer, E.M. Galimov, O.V. Stepanets. – Elsevier, 2003. – 488 p.

  14. The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, second ed., Elias, S.A. (Ed.), 
    Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013

  15. Vasil'evskaja V.D. Pochvoobrazovanie v tundrah Srednej Sibiri (Soil formation in the Western Siberian tundras). M., Nauka,1980

  16. World Reference Base of Soil Resources. World soil resources report, No 84, FAO, Rome, 1998.

  17. Aseev A.A. Ancient continental freezing of Europe. M.: Science, 1974. 319 pages. (in Russian)

  18. Borisova O.K. Landscape and climatic changes in midlatitudes of Northern and Southern hemispheres for the last 130000 years. Moscow, GEOS, 2008. 264 p. (in Russian)

  19. Bowen L. Quarternary geology. M.: World, 1981. 272 p. (in Russian)

  20. Budyko M. I. Climate in the past and the future. L. Gidrometizdat. 1980. 350 p. (in Russian)

  21. Vasilchuk Yu.K., Kotlyakov, V. M. Fundamentals of isotope geocryology and glaciology. Publishing house of MSU, 2000, 616 pages. (in Russian)

  22. Golubev of G. N. Geoecology – M., 2004 – 288 pages. (in Russian)

  23. Dmitriyev V. V. Ecological rationing of a state and anthropogenous impacts on natural ecosystems//Vestn. Page - Peterb. un-that. It is gray. 7. 1994. Vol. 2, No. 14. Page 60-70. (in Russian)

  24. Yemelyanov A. G. Environmental management bases - M.: Academy, 2004 – 295 p. (in Russian)

  25. Zhukov L.A. The general oceanology – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976 - 376 p. (in Russian)

  26. History of lakes of the North of Asia. "Science", St. Petersburg, 1995, p. 288 (in Russian)

  27. Karelin D. V., Zamolodchikov D. G - A carbon exchange in cryogenic ecosystems – M: Science, 2008. – 344 p. (in Russian)

  28. Kotlyakov V. M. Chosen compositions "Glaciology of Antarctica" / Book 1. – M.: Science, 2000. – 432 p. (in Russian)

  29. Mazarovich of A.O. Stroyeniye of a bottom of the World Ocean and suburban seas of Russia. Manual. M.: GEOS, 2006. – 192 p. (in Russian)

  30. Monitoring of climate of the Arctic. / A.I. Voskresensky edition – L: Gidrometeoizdat, 1988 – 205 p. (in Russian)

  31. Nikanorov A.M. Hydrochemistry: Textbook. – prod. the 3rd added. Rostov/Don: "NOC", – 2008. 461 p. (in Russian)

  32. Odum Yu.Osnovy of ecology. M.: World, 1975, 320 pages. (in Russian)

  33. Fundamentals of geocryology. Under the editorship of E. D. Yershov. M.: Publishing house of MSU. 1995, part1. 368 p., 1996, part 2. 399 p., 1998, part 3. 575 pages. (in Russian)

  34. Perelman A.I., Kasimov N. S. Geokhimiya of a landscape Publishing house: MSU Year: 1999 Pages: 610 ISBN: 5-7594-0077-0. (in Russian)

  35. Stadnitsky G. V., A. I. Rodionov. Ecology. M.: The higher school, 1988, 272 pages. (in Russian)

  36. Chebotaryov A.I. General hydrology (water of sushi). Manual. — 2nd prod. — L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. — 530 pages. (in Russian)

  37. Shnitnikov A.V. Intra century variability of components general moisture content. L.: Science, 1969. 245 p. (in Russian)

  38. Schyukin I.S. General geomorphology. T.1., T.2, T. 3. M, 1960, 1964, 1974 (in Russian)


Databases, informatics reference and search systems

Russian state library

Russian national library

Russian Library of Academia of Science

Library of natural sciences of RAS

M.Gor’kiy Scientific library


Scopus database




List of applicant incomes:

  • understanding of methodological basics of discipline including to the program;

  • knowledge of present ecological problems, understanding and systematic analyse of ecological situation;

  • ability of collection, carrying out, analyse and exchange of information about environment components;

  • knowledge of main principles of geoecology, nature management, hydrology, climatology, geology, biology, soil sciences, GIS;

  • ability to evaluation of main environment characteristic;

  • knowledge of main particularities of natural and socio-economical processes in Polar Regions development;

  • understanding of substance and meaning of information about society development, knowledge to use basic methods of information receiving, saving and carrying out;

  • ability to receive new knowledge independently by using of modern educational and information technology.

Form of an entrance examination –portfolio (document competition)

Topics of essay:

  1. Arctic Climate: Past and Present

  2. Climate Change and cryosphere

  3. Arctic Tundra and Polar Desert Ecosystems

  4. Permafrost processes under climate warming

  5. Climate change and Arctic\Antarctic ecosystems

  6. Human impact in Polar Regions

  7. Permafrost affected Soil and biological systems of the Arctic\Antarctic

  8. Climate Change: Impacts on glaciers and ice sheets

  9. Climate Change: Impacts on indigenous people in the Arctic and uplands

  10. Arctic Freshwater discharge and atmosphere interaction

  11. Antarctic terrestrial and water ecosystems

  12. Sea-level rise, sea ice and coastal stability in Polar Regions

  13. Arctic natural resources

Essay has to have a detailed answer, which will allow to estimate not only a quality of knowledge and skills on ecology, natural management, and polar researches, but allow to evaluate general cultural level of an applicant. Applicant has to answer reasonable, logical and substantial; has to have high ability to sensing, generalisation, and information analyse; to have an ability to analyse problems; to set out conception on Academic English clear, exactly and grammatically.

Essay structure

  • An introduction – a problem and goal statement;

  • A main part with formalization of general concepts on the chosen topic;

  • A summary with principal results on the essay topic;

  • A list of references.

Essay requirements

  • Correspondence of essay content to the chosen topic;

  • An essay content disclosure;

  • Conclusion reasonability and presentation of case;

  • Clarity, accuracy and gramma of statement

Essay volume and its preparation

The volume of an essay must not exceed 10 pages including figures, tables and bibliography.

An essay must be written on one side of A4 lists. The font of a text must be straight Times New Roman with the size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. The first paragraph row must have a standard indention (15-17 mm). Margins: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, upper – 20 mm, lower – 20 mm. The text numbering must be continuous (including tables and figures) in Arabic cipher.

An essay has to show the applicant’s level of English.




Supporting documents

Evaluation criteria


Chapter 1. Motivation letter

Evaluation criteria

Maximum of point for the chapter


Motivation letter in English*

An obligatory document. Without a motivation letter, the Portfolio mark is “0” independently of points for other chapters.

Criteria is in the annex 1.

The motivation letter has to be fulfilled in an applicant personal account.


Total for the chapter 1


Chapter 2. Document about basic (previous) education


Evaluation criteria

Maximum of point for the chapter


Bachelor \ Specialist Degree Diploma*

An obligatory document. Bachelor \ Specialist Degree Diploma: on the Master program profile (environment specialisations: geography, geology, ecology, biology, physic, chemistry etc.)

10 points

Diploma on another specialisations

5 points

In the presents of two or more documents will not add points for a chapter


Total for the chapter 2


Chapter 3. Essay

Evaluation criteria

Maximum of point for the chapter


Essay in English*

An obligatory document.

Evaluation criteria is in the annex 2.

Total essay mark must not be less than 15 points.

Without an essay (or with essay mart less than 15) the total portfolio mark is “0”



Total for the chapter 3


Chapter 4. Participation in scientific researches



Maximum of point for the chapter


Documents and materials supporting a participation in scientific events (conferences, seminars, scientific schools, round tables etc.)

  • Participation supported by published abstracts of a report (giving a full bibliography link or a copy) – 5 points.

  • Participation supported by a program of an event or a document from educational institution - 4 points

In the presents of two or more documents will not add points for a chapter.



Information about publications on the Master program topic

(giving copies and pages with references including


Giving copies of publications in scientific magazines, monographs, proceeding, on academician and scientific institutions web-sites:

  • Articles from the list of

Web of Science, Scopus – 9 points.

– Articles in another scientific issues (magazines, collected articles etc.) –
8 points.

other publications (abstracts, reviews etc.) – 7 points

Documents are evaluated only on one foregoing positions, points of different positions are not summarized.



Documents and materials supporting an applicant participation in scientific projects, funded by grants and supporting of receive results

Participation in two or more projects will not add points for a chapter.


Total for the chapter 4


Chapter 5. Additional documents supporting a qualification


Maximum of point for the chapter


Documents of state or prescribed form testifying about a professional qualification promotion according to the Master program profile topic


Supporting documents:

  • Studying at additional (promotional) educational programs by the chosen Master program profile;

  • Professional trainings, seminars, summer schools of an educational programs

Participation in two or more educational programs will not add points for a chapter.



International certificates supporting knowledge of foreign language* that can be taken into consideration to foreign universities


Obligatory documents.

International certificates – English


- 575 point and more,

iBT 90 and more - 10 points;

- 550-574 points, iBT 80-89 - 8



- 7.0 и выше - 10 points;

- 6,5 - 8 points;

- 5,5 – 6 points

Cambridge CAE

(Certificate in Advanced English)

- 10 points;

Cambridge CPE

(Certificate of Proficiency in English)

10 points;

Cambridge FCE – A - 8 points;

O level/GCSE – is not graded


Goethe Certificate C1 – is not graded


DALF (Diplome Approfondi de Langue Francaise) – is not graded


DELE – is not graded

Supporting documents of previous education in English – 8 points

Other documents supporting level of English knowledge (upper intermediate level and higher) – 6 points

In the presence of two or more documents will not add points for a chapter.



Diplomas of winners and laureates of scientific competitions, projects and student Olympiads corresponding the Master program profile.

In the presence of two or more documents will not add points for a chapter.



Documents supporting receiving named scholarship of Ministries, agencies, funds, and educational institutions

Is not graded


Total for the chapter 5





Annex 1


A motivation letter content:

  • Reasonable arguer of an applicant interest in the chosen “CORELIS – Cold Regions Environment Landscapes Sciences” (St. Petersburg State University) program 1-3points;

  • Knowledge and skills which can help in the program mastering – 1 point;

  • Information about basic and additional education (if it is available) – 1 point;

  • Information about work experience concerning the chosen specialisation (if it is available) – 1 point;

  • Level of English knowledge higher than the upper intermediate level2 points.



Information absence


Presented information is formal and unconvincing


Presented information is insufficient considerable or is not enough developed


Presented information is detailed and considerable in favor of the chosen Master program


A motivation letter volume and appearance

A volume of a motivation letter must not exceed a one page of A4 format.

The font of a text must be straight Times New Roman with the size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. The first paragraph row must have a standard indention (15-17 mm). Margins: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, upper – 20 mm, lower – 20 mm.

Annex 2


Evaluation criteria


An essay is substantial, reasonable and grammar answer on delivered question in the form of a logically coherent text and fully correspond to requirements


An essay topic is totally evaluated, argues are reasonable, conclusions are supported, but a logical coherence has been disturbed


An essay topic has not been opened fully, opinions have poor argued, and results have not been supported enough.


There are many mistakes of definition using, data are defected, there are mistakes if facts, argumentation is poor presented.


The topic treatment has been wrong presented or plagiarism has been noticed.


Maximal points for an essay – 40. Points for an English grammar mistakes will reduce the mark.

Grammar mistakes for an essay points reducing:

Point quantity of feed back


There are mistakes of special definitions and phrases using in the text:

- 1-2 mistakes

- 3-4 mistakes

- 5 and more mistakes

Subtracted points for different positions could not be summarised

from 1 to 3

minus 1 point

minus 2 points

minus 3 points




There are mistakes of articles, prepositions and verbs using in the text:

- for incorrect using of each article

- for incorrect using of each preposition

- for incorrect using of each verb

Subtracted points for different positions have to be summarised

from 0,5 and more

minus 0,5 points

minus 0,5 points

minus 1 point




There are mistakes of connection constructions using as well as a unified narrative style:

- for each mistake

- narrative style is not corresponded main goal

Subtracted points for different positions have to be summarised

from 0,5 and more

minus 0,5 points

minus 2 points


Thus, minimum points for points reduction is 0,5 points. Maximal points – are not specified.