

 Alexey K. Pavlov, PhD
Professional experience

Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway
Postdoctoral researcher
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway
Research Scientist
12/2013 - present
07/2013 - 09/2013
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, Univ. of Tromsø, Norway
06/2012 - 06/2013
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), St. Petersburg, Russia
Junior Research Scientist
02/2009 - 05/2012


Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), St. Petersburg, Russia
PhD, Oceanography (Geography)
10/2008 - 02/2012
Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), Tromsø, Norway
Visiting PhD Student
09/2010 - 02/2011
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Specialist degree, Oceanography
Cum Laude (“Red Diploma”)
09/2003 - 05/2008
Lyceum 239, St. Petersburg, Russia
Specialization in Mathematics and Physics
09/2001 - 05/2003

 Teaching experience

Lectures on international polar research and career development
International and Interdisciplinary IPY Polar Field School 2012, Svalbard - 2012
Lectures on ocean optics for Ocean thermodynamics course
St. Petersburg State University, Russia -2011
Popular lectures on climate change
Lyceum 239, St. Petersburg, Russia -2011, 2012

 Research interests  

Physical oceanographer by training, now studying interaction of solar radiation and sea ice in the Arctic
Ocean. Fascinated by complexity and interconnectivity in Earth sciences. Generally interested in the Arctic
system, coupling between physical and biogeochemical processes, and their linkages to marine ecosystems.
Interested in science communication, education and public outreach. Currently involved in following
projects and initiatives: STASIS, ICE-ARC, N-ICE, CDOM-HEAT, and ART.

Practical skills and experience  

Languages: English – fluent, Norwegian – basic, French – basic, Russian – native.
Software and Programming: Matlab, Ocean Data View, Surfer, Grapher, web-design basics (Joomla),
Windows and Mac OS user, Microsoft Office, LaTex basics.
Personal and Social: Is a team player with strong communication skills. Experienced in networking and
international collaboration. Experienced in managing projects and human resources.

Peer-reviewed publications:

1. Pavlov, A.K., M.A. Granskog, C.A. Stedmon, B.V. Ivanov, S.R. Hudson, S. Falk-Petersen (2015).
Contrasting optical properties of surface waters across the Fram Strait and its potential biological
implications, Journal of Marine Systems, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.11.001.
2. Findlay, H.S., G. Gibson, M. Kędra, N. Morata, M. Orchowska, A.K. Pavlov, M. Reigstad, A. Silyakova, JE.
Tremblay, W. Walczowski, A. Weydmann, C. Wood (2015). Responses in Arctic marine carbon
cycle processes: conceptual scenarios and implications for ecosystem function, Polar Research,
3. Pavlov, A.K., A. Silyakova, M. A. Granskog, R. G. J. Bellerby, A. Engel, K. G. Schulz, and C. P. D.
Brussaard (2014). Marine CDOM accumulation during a coastal Arctic mesocosm experiment: No
response to elevated pCO2 levels. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 119, 1216–1230,
4. Manno, C., and Pavlov, A.K. (2014). Living planktonic foraminifera in the Fram Strait (Arctic):
absence of diel vertical migration during the midnight sun, Hydrobiologia. 721(1), 285-295.
5. Ivanov, B.V., P. N. Sviashchennikov, D. M. Zhuravskiy, A.K. Pavlov, and E. J. Forland (2014). Metadata
for a long-term climate series from the Russian meteorological station “Pyramiden” (1948-1957) at
Svalbard, Czech Polar Reports, 4 (1): 57-62.
6. Pavlov, A.K., Tverberg, V., Ivanov, B. V., Nilsen, F., Falk-Petersen, S., and Granskog, M. A. (2013).
Warming of Atlantic Water in two west Spitsbergen fjords over the last century (1912-2009). Polar
Research, 32, doi:10.3402/polar.v32i0.11206.
7. Granskog, M. A., Stedmon, C. A., Dodd, P. A., Amon, R. M., Pavlov, A.K., Steur, L., and Hansen, E.
(2012). Characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Arctic outflow in the
Fram Strait: Assessing the changes and fate of terrigenous CDOM in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Oceans (1978–2012), 117(C12).
8. Zhuravskiy, D., Ivanov, B., and Pavlov, A.K. (2012). Ice conditions at Gronfjorden Bay, Svalbard,
from 1974 to 2008. Polar Geography, 35(2), 169-176.

Other publications:

1. Forest, A., Kedra, M., and Pavlov, A. (2013). Bridging Time Scales, Disciplines, and Generations to
Better Understand the Arctic Marine Ecosystem. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union,
94(11), 107-107.
2. Granskog, M. A., Stedmon, C. A., Dodd, P. A., Amon, R. M. W., Pavlov, A. K., de Steur, L., and Hansen, E.
(2012,). Fate of terrestrial colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Arctic Ocean: exported or
removed?. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 14, p. 1370).
3. Pavlov A.K. and A. Pope (2014). Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), in Antarctica
and the Arctic Circle: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Earth's Polar Regions.

Selected oral presentations:

1. Pavlov, A.K., M.A. Granskog, C.A. Stedmon, B.V. Ivanov, S.R. Hudson, S. Falk-Petersen (2015),
Contrasting optical properties of surface waters across the Fram Strait and its potential biological
implications, Arctic Science Summit Week, Toyama, Japan.
2. Pavlov A.K., S.R. Hudson, and M.A. Granskog (2014), Interaction of solar radiation and first year seaice
in the Arctic Ocean: insights from autonomous radiation buoys, ISTAS Workshop, Brest, France
3. Pavlov A.K., V. Tverberg, B.V. Ivanov, F. Nilsen, S. Falk-Petersen, D.M. Zhuravskiy and M.A. Granskog
(2011), Warming of Atlantic water in West Spitsbergen fjords over the last century (1912-2009),
Arctic Science Summit Week, Seoul, South Korea
4. Pavlov A.K., Ivanov B.V., Zhuravskiy D.M., Tverberg V, Granskog M. and Falk-Petersen S. (2010),
Long-term variability of hydrography in West Spitsbergen fjords, Xth International Conference
“Nature of the shelf and archipelagos of the European Arctic”, Murmansk, Russia (In Russian)
5. Pavlov A.K., Ivanov B., Wassmann P.F., Falk-Petersen S., Hegseth E.N., Sperre K.H. and Svendsen H.
(2009), Seawater optical properties in West Spitsbergen coastal waters, Arctic Science Summit Week,
Bergen, Norway.

Selected poster presentations:

1. Pavlov A.K., M.A. Granskog, S.R. Hudson, S. Gerland (2015), Communicating Arctic science through
social media - experience of a researcher-driven effort of @OceanSeaIceNPI, Arctic Science Summit
Week, Toyama, Japan.
2. Wegner, C., Kêdra, M., Morata, N., Findlay, H.,Fritz, M., Majaneva, S., Nikolopoulos, A., O´Regan, M.,
Pavlov, A., Peeken, I., Sampei, M. and Werner, K. (2015), Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) - A PanArctic
Network Integrating Past, Present and Future, Arctic Science Summit Week, Toyama, Japan.
3. Pavlov A.K., V. Tverberg, B.V. Ivanov, F. Nilsen, S. Falk-Petersen, D.M. Zhuravskiy, M.A. Granskog
(2012), Warming of Atlantic water in West Spitsbergen fjords over the last century (1912-2009), IPY
Montreal Conference 2012, Montreal, Canada
4. N.M. Kuprikov and A.K. Pavlov (2012, iKolobok: solutions and engineering for polar research, IPY
Montreal Conference 2012, Montreal, Canada
5. J. Schmale, J.A. Fisher, A. Pope, G. Fugmann, A.K. Pavlov, K. Jochum, A. Renner, D. Liggett, J. Baeseman
and the APECS DOM Team (2012), The APECS Discipline of the Month Concept, IPY Montreal
Conference 2012, Montreal, Canada
6. Pavlov A.K., M.A. Granskog, C.A. Stedmon, B.V. Ivanov and S. Falk-Petersen (2012), The spectral
optical properties and relative radiant heating contribution of dissolved and particulate matter in the
surface waters across the Fram Strait, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012, Salt Lake City, USA
7. Ballerini T., Baeseman J., Costa E.S., Schmale J., Pavlov A.K., Provencher J., Tsukernik M., Wood C.,
Zaika Y. (2012), APECS: a successful way to promote leaders development and contribute to outreach
through formal/informal education pathways, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012, Salt Lake City, USA
8. A. Renner, K. Jochum, L. Jullion, A.K. Pavlov, D. Liggett, G. Fugmann, J. Baeseman, the APECS Virtual
Poster Session Working Group (2011), The APECS Virtual Poster Session: a virtual platform for
science communication and discussion, AGU Fall Meeting, San-Francisco, USA
9. Pavlov A.K., M. A. Granskog, C.A. Stedmon, B.V. Ivanov and S. Falk-Petersen (2011), Relative
contribution of absorption by CDOM and particles to the light absorption budget of surface waters
across the Fram Strait, Arctic Science Summit Week 2011, Seoul, South Korea
10. Pavlov A.K., M. A. Granskog, B.V. Ivanov, V. Tverberg and S. Falk-Petersen (2011), Relationship of
light attenuation to water masses, organic matter and chlorophyll in Svalbard waters, Arctic
Frontiers conference 2011, Tromsø, Norway 
Alexey K. Pavlov | July 2015
11. Gerland S., Granskog M., Beckers J., Brandt O., Eltoft T., Haas C., Hamre B., Hansen E., Hop H., Hudson
S., Maus S., Pavlov A.K., Pavlov V., Pavlova O., Renner A.H.H., Stamnes J., Ström J., Sundfjord A.,
Tronstad S., and Koc N. (2011), The Arctic sea ice regime around Svalbard in late summer 2010,
Arctic Frontiers conference, Tromsø, Norway
12. Pavlov A.K., B.V. Ivanov, M. Granskog, V. Tverberg, S. Falk-Petersen (2010), West Spitsbergen fjords
as a transition zone between land and ocean: an indication from marine optical observations, IPY
Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway
13. Ivanov B.V., O.M. Andreev, P.N. Svyashchennikov, A.K. Pavlov, D. Zhuravskiy (2010 (Sea ice
investigations in the Grønfjorden Bay, West Svalbard, IPY Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway
14. Pavlov A.K., Ivanov B.V., Tverberg V., Granskog M. and Falk-Petersen S. (2010 (Optical properties of
surface layer in West Spitsbergen waters and in Fram Strait, Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø,
15. Makshtas A., Vlasenkov R., Belchiva N., Charkin A., A.K. Pavlov (2007), Radiation climate of the
Laptev and East-Siberian Seas, IUGG XXIVth General Assembly, Perugia, Italy